Lifting & lashing equipment inspection
According to the Croatian regulations, Pravilnik o pregledu i ispitivanju radne opreme NN 16/16, the employer is obliged to provide, in a prescribed manner, the inspections and testing of the lifting and lashing equipment.
Periodical inspections and tests need to be carried out within the deadlines specifi ed in the operating and maintenance instructions, provided by the equipment manufactureror within the period specifi ed by a special regulation or periodically within periods not exceeding 3 years (in this case it is recommended to carry out a crack detection or tensile strength testing).
1. Visual inspection
Lifting and lashing equipment must be visually inspected before each use. Lifting and lashing equipment must be visually inspected before each use. According to the Croatian regulation, Pravilnik o pregledu i ispitivanju radne opreme NN 16/16, lifting equipment must be subjected to a detailed visual inspection during the period specifi ed in the operating and maintenance instructions, provided by the equipment manufacturer, as well. Mostly, detailed visual inspection needs to be carried out once a year for equipment in normal use, and for equipment that is frequently used or used in severe conditions every six months or less.
Remex can carry out this work for you. We can carry out inspections on siteas well. Among necessary knowledge and expertise, our employees also have the experiencewhich
2. Inspection & testing
We provide inspection &testingservices for the following lifting equipment:
• wire ropes and wire rope slings;
• chains and chain slings;
• polyester web slings;
• fibre ropes and fibre rope slings;
• lifters (vertical, horizontal, magnetic…);
• manual chain hoists and hand winches;
• jaw winches;
• electric (chain or wire rope) hoists and electric winches;
• lashing systems.
3. Service and repair
In case of non-conformance of lifting and lashing equipment, Remex can
provide service and repair of that equipment.
4. Consulting
We, at Remex company, will provide you with suggested solutions for your requirements and problems.
Quality Management System
Remex d.o.o. is the proud holder of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certificate issued by the Croatian Register of Ships.
All products comply with EU and EN rules and norms.